Sunday 4 April 2010


Lots of talented people have been working on this project for many years and it is now finally complete. The castle bit was in good nick but the Georgian extension was in a real state of affairs.

Thank goodness the Georgians didn't build castles.

No prizes for guessing which are the before and after photographs !

My main role was to oversee that paintings were put up nice and straight, but I would occasionally remove my hands from my pockets to wave someone in to action to put the kettle on or knock up some delicious Cullen Skink. Fortunately we had a team of skilled craftsmen on hand that could really "hit the nail on the head" and not club to death everything around it.

Here are some of them making Tea.

Most people come to Scotland for the hunting season and I can see why. Simply load your gun, open a window, and sit on the sofa.
Give it a minute or two and in fly the birds !

Childen stop crying, I'm only joking.

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