Monday 19 April 2010


The Salone show finished at 6.00pm so we headed over to Superstudio Piu on Via Tortona to check out the aftershow party crowd. It was a great venue and we found plenty more designers displaying their wares, and blowing up ballons...

The drinks were colourful but quite large....we got there in the end.

Most designers made a special effort, taking care with immaculate displays...

This one had obviously started drinking a little too early !

I can talk, on the way home I spent nearly half an hour trying to get money out of this bugger.

Anyway, after a quick snorter at this place...

...we thought it would be fun riding home, but it was padlocked... we jumped on a tram...

I forget what we were enthusing about, but these guys were not that excited to hear it.

That's it for today !

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